The Sunday Magazine/ Debating Club
The aim of Sunday Magazine/Debating Club is the all-round
development of the student’s personality, thus helping the students to
realize their hidden strengths and potentials and to equip the students
to face the challenges of modern competition. The selection of the
members is done on the basis of a screening test. The discussions of
the club, as the title suggests, are based on a specified text of
events. Its specific objectives are:
1. to instil a journalistic / professional / competent spirit of the ideas
of contemporary relevance.
2. to form a debating club.
3. to conduct training in public speaking
4. to create awareness on etiquettes and emotional intelligence
The club also aims to foster creative dramatic skills among students,
conduct performances and workshops. Students will have the privilege
of attending drama competitions and workshops on theatre held in
various places.
- Dr. Martiz kurien (Co-ordinator)
- Dr. Cimi A Daniel
- Dr. Leena Abraham
- Dr. Jinsu Varghese
- Mr. Job Mathai